The SentLive Concept #
The driving force behind the whole concept of SentLive is safety, and the peace of mind achieved knowing that others are safe, as well as the chance to act if you know they are not. Rather than just waiting until someone is in trouble though, our aim is that everyone regularly affirms that they are safe when they are, so that as well as being able to act when you know somebody is not safe, you get regular reassurance that someone is safe. The paid plan features also allow you to set and send one off or scheduled checks to anyone you have added as a friend on the service, as well as set your own checks on yourself – SentLive is aiming to help prevent someone getting into a dangerous situation before it happens, and get assistance if such a situation is already unfolding.
The Concept In Practice #
The overriding goal was to achieve the concept in a practical way that anyone of any age would be able to use, which meant that it had to be as simple as possible, and that is how the Big Blue Button was born. One click/tap for Safe, and hold for Not Safe, as simple as that. There are obviously visual aids to enhance this, with the button changing colour (Green = Safe, Red = Not Safe), and the relevant words showing as well, and we have added an audio component as well, so that there is a different sound depending on which action you take, which can be turned off if preferred.